
DiStRaCtEdaimlessunmotivated…Restless… UNFULFILLED

Maybe one of these words describes you right now. Sensing you are not living the life you were created to live, you are searching for direction and answers. Whether a young adult figuring out life for the first time around, or a mid-lifer ready to redefine life for the second half, you may be scratching your head and thinking, “What I really need right now is an…Epiphany!”

My Epiphany Life Coaching is here to assist you in discovering the life you were meant to live. In a dynamic partnership between the Coach and Client, the Coach supports the Client in clarifying vision, setting goals, and overcoming obstacles in order to create the life the Client desires.

A relatively new field, life coaching has its roots in business coaching and consulting as well as counseling, yet with some distinct differences. Emphasizing the future rather than focusing on the past, coaching is designed to assist emotionally healthy individuals looking to transform their lives from average to extraordinary, reaching their full potential.

Coachable people include those who are ready to make lasting and positive changes with the added support of a caring, yet objective person who will act as a sounding board and hold them accountable to their goals and dreams. Through a process of powerful questions and deep, active listening, the coach allows the client to explore possibilities in a non-judgmental and relaxed setting, offering insights and honest feedback.

Coaching takes place in an atmosphere of trust and confidentiality, where respect, encouragement, humor, truth, and inspiration are the order of the day. Even goal-oriented people will be surprised by the empowering benefit of coaching when they realize greater progress in less time. And there’s hardly any other time when someone says to you, “Right now, it’s all about you!”

Ask yourself: How would it feel to experience some of the following benefits?

  • Create goals and plans in alignment with your purpose, values, and calling
  • Clarify and develop gifts and strengths
  • Increase self-awareness
  • Enhance self-knowledge, personal development, spiritual growth, and transformation
  • Learn and appreciate your personality type through the Myers Briggs assessment and working with the enneagram
  • Envision a more peaceful, healthy, and holistic lifestyle
  • Navigate through life’s stages and times of transition
  • Manage disorganization and clutter
  • Unmask and overcome obstacles
  • Stimulate passion, motivation, energy, confidence, and focus

At this point you may be asking, “So, what does a coaching relationship look like?” Typically, hourly sessions are scheduled weekly, either face to face, over Skype, or by phone, making your location no problem. Initially, a 3 month term of weekly sessions is recommended, although many clients remain in coaching 6 months or longer.

Ready to find out more?  Contact Lane by email or phone to set up your free, no obligation inquiry session. During this session all your questions will be answered and the coaching process explained.